Imangryatnews's Blog

Sharing news thats worth getting angry over..Angrily.

Category: Movie Reviews

Elizabethtown Movie Review

Hey gang
Hope you’re all well..

Today’s review is for the fantastic movie Elizabethtown.

Released: October 14, 2005
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Rated: PG-13
Time: 2 hours 3 minutes
Directed by Cameron Crowe
Orlando Bloom as Drew
Kirsten Dunst as Claire
Also starring Susan Sarandon and Alec Baldwin.

First off this movie, which by Hollywood standards was considered a flop, is Brilliant.
Here is a quick synopsis:
Drew is shit canned by his job designing shoes because his design cost the company almost a billion dollars.

He decides to commit suicide but before he is able to his sister calls to inform him their father has died while visiting family in Kentucky.

Drew has to go to Elizabethtown, Kentucky to take care of the funeral arrangements.

With his suicide on hold he gets on a plane to Kentucky and meets flight attendant Claire, the unusual quirky girl next door who gets to know him during the flight.

Once they land he heads to Elizabethtown and she heads home. What follows is the difficult task of dealing with death and life while learning about yourself.

You will have to watch the movie for the rest of the story.. It is a journey well worth taking.

Let me know what you think after you watch it..

Doctor Out

We are back! New and improved video for you guys!

Hey gang
We are back, revamped and better than ever before!

Watch this new video here to get all the news about what is coming.

You don’t want to miss this!

Let me know what you think after watching!

Doctor Out

Thanks gang!

Hey gang,
Hope you are all well.

We have some really great stuff coming up, I don’t want you guys to miss a single thing. So scroll down to the bottom of the Page, enter your email address and hit send.

That way you will get an email every time we post something new here.

Also don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

I want to sincerely thank you all for checking out Imangryatnews but don’t just look around without getting in on the action so be sure to comment the hell out of us.

We love hearing from you and we want you to act like we are a cheap prostitute and pass us around to everyone you know.

Don’t forget to get in on our first ever contest for your chance to win some one of a kind prizes.

Much love and keep your eyes peeled..

Doctor Out

Contest, contest, contest of Cool..!

Hey gang,
Couple of things to share then something amazing.. If you guys are interested..

Okay first off one of the two interviews is in the bag. This is no bull shit, I have in my hands the finished interview with a truly famous Comedy genius. He was on HBO. I’m hoping the second interview with the other famous comedy genius will be in soon.

As it stands I will be posting the first interview sometime tomorrow, so keep your eyes open Monday for this Exclusive!

Next on the agenda, what do you think about the movie reviews? I have found that I really enjoy doing them, not to mention I’m completely a movie geek so I dig sharing my thoughts with you.

Also send me your requests either by email or by commenting. I will happily review any movie you want to know about.

Ok now for the big news. is doing a one of a kind contest just for you all.


It’s real simple, to be entered in it all you have to do is pass me around like cheap prostitute.

That’s right all I want is for everyone to be active. So to be entered to win this kick ass one of a kind contest all you have to do is like, comment, subscribe and follow us.

On twitter, on YouTube, and on here. Once 125 real comments and subscriptions and likes have rolled through here I will pick someone at random to be the winner.

What’s the prize you ask?

I’m going to draw or paint something awesome and send it to you free. I’m not talking about cheap shit. I’m talking about a one of a kind piece of artwork that no one else has.

So start taking part in this blog, and our videos, and our tweets. Let me know what you think of this blog. I know we have alot of readers now it’s time to participate to get something awesome.

Depending on how many people truly start participating we might actually choose 2 winners because I have two really stunning ideas for the artwork.

There you go, that’s the news, feel free to go back to your regularly scheduled programing.

Doctor Out

One Crazy Summer (1986)

Hey gang,
Review time once again..

Ok so this review is in honor of one of my favorite actors, John Cusack. He has always been a genius who could take a seemingly simple role and completely steal the entire show.

Growing up I watched this movie and I loved the fact that I could relate to the main character in so many ways. I’m an artist and I’m not rich, I’m the underdog… Just like the main character.

This movie was and is considered by critics to be a flop.

I’m telling you now, get this movie, kick back and with no expectations other than just wanting to leave reality and have a silly ass good time.

That being said, let’s get started shall we.
Hoops is an aspiring teenage cartoonist who meets the girl of his dreams named Cassandra, she is a musician who is trying to save her families property from evil developers.

Hoops and his unusual ragtag group of odd friends decide to help her raise money by getting everyone in town to come to her show.

This movie is a feel good comedy full of crazy characters, cool animations, and quite possibly the coolest most enjoyable Godzilla scene ever.

It’s just plain fun.

Do not pass this up just because it’s not considered a blockbuster movie.

One Crazy Summer is rated PG and is 1 hour and 33 minutes long.

It’s a comedy romance and was written by Savage Steve Holland who directs it as well.
It stars John Cusack as Hoops,
Demi Moore as Cassandra,
Joel Murray as George, and
Bobcat Goldthwait as the ever lovable Egg Stork.
Yes that is his name.. 🙂

I give this movie 4 and a half cigarettes out of 5.

It’s just a damn good time.

Doctor Out

God bless America (2011)

Hey gang,
Hope everyone is well..
Movie Review time..

When I was younger I watched a movie called One Crazy Summer , mainly because I was and am a huge fan of John Cusack (even though he won’t talk to me on twitter :(… And I have tried because I look up to him and would be honored to be his friend ..)

Side note, one of the friends in One Crazy Summer is Joel Murray who stars in this movie.

Anyway one of the people in that movie is a young man named Bobcat Goldthwait. He is funny as hell, always has been.

If you don’t know who he is I guarantee you would recognize his voice.

The reason I bring him up is because the movie I’m reviewing is a movie that he wrote and directed.

Let’s get right smack dab into it shall we?

The movie revolves around Frank, a regular joe who is having a very bad day.
A bad life actually.

His daughter is a spoiled hell spawn of a beast who doesn’t want to come see him because he doesn’t have a present to bribe her with.
He gets fired from his job for being nice to someone, then learns he is terminally ill with a tumor in his brain.

With all the bad things happening to him he finally snaps and decides to end it all by eating a bullet. Then something better dawns on him and he decides to wipe out the part of the human race known as assholes.

And so begins a truly dark adventure in which he starts killing anyone who isn’t nice.

Plot twist included when he happens upon 16 year old Roxy who through her own need to be understood she becomes a willing accomplice to murder and mayhem..

A truly fun movie, taunting satire and mirroring our existence right down to our evil love for American Idol failures so we can feel better about ourselves by making fun of others desire to try..

This movie is rated R and is 1 hour and 45 minutes of pure comedy, crime, and satire genius.
Joel Murray plays Frank
Tara Lynne Barr plays Roxy
Written and Directed by
Bobcat Goldthwait

I give this movie 5 cigarettes out of 5 cigarettes, I love this movie in all its well written irony and bold faced calling us out for selfishly treating others like shit.

This movie in true unapologetic fashion taunts us with what could happen if we don’t start treating people right and if truth be told we should stop praising ignorant snobbish selfish people.

That however is an article for another day.. Lol.

Watch this movie!

It is brilliantly satisfyingly genius.

It is about time someone called it like it is.

Doctor Out

Jesus Henry Christ (2011)

Hey gang,
It’s movie review time here at Imangryatnews and the first movie up is called Jesus Henry Christ.

No this isn’t some fanatical religious oddity, it’s actually a poignant coming of age type comedy.

What’s that mean? You ask.. Well let’s dive into it shall we..

The movie is about Henry, a 10 year old, unusual boy genius with a photographic memory. He has a feminist mother and a test tube of Sperm for a father.

While trying to find himself, Henry decides he wants to find his biological father and he sets out to find him all the while an ocean of colorful characters splash around this oddly sweet story.

I found this movie completely fun to watch, and was entranced by each and every person Henry came into contact with.

Not to mention Henry is such a fantastic character as well. This movie I’m sure is not for everyone but don’t let that stop you from at least giving it one viewing.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the way this movie unfolds and bares the soul of an awkward and unusual little boy that we can all relate to and the truth behind real life.

It’s rated PG-13 and runs 1 hour 32 minutes.
Jason Spevack plays Henry
Toni Collette plays Patricia
Michael Sheen plays Dr Slavkin O’Hara
Samantha Weinstein plays Audrey O’Hara

I rate this movie 4 and a half cigarettes out of 5

Doctor Out

Rock of ages?

I thought I might try this movie out but now I don’t think so.. Anyone else seen it? Opinions?

Splatter: on FILM

I’ll never listen to Journey the same way again.
Call this film a cautionary tale.

Perhaps the message was: never move to L.A. You’ll end up a stripper, or a member of a boy band, or a filthy politician, or in love with a rock god, or worse…you’ll become the rock god and never find real love.

Cautions all. Here’s another one: Caution: don’t see this movie. Never before have I yelled mid-film,  “This is the worst movie I have ever seen!” And I’ve seen some bad’uns.
ImageFirst, it’s a musical. Hairspray and Mama Mia meet Spinal Tap minus Christopher Guest. Someone should have let this all star cast in on the inside joke before they took it too seriously.


Some, like C.Z.Jones played it camp, like a native of the theater would. She was awful. I’m so embarrassed for her. Her redemption? Possibly only the presence of Bryan Cranston…

View original post 179 more words

The butcher, the chef, and the swordsman movie reviews from

Hey you all
This is the second movie review I have done and if you didn’t see my first one, shame on you but no worries see it here.
Today’s review is on the super awesome movie called “The butcher, the chef, and the swordsman”

It’s rated pg-13 and it’s an hour and 32 minutes long made in 2010.

First off warning.. This is a foreign film from a country that does not speak English.. Chinese is the language of choice in this movie.. Now I streamed it from netflix in its original format, yes I read the words..

If you don’t want to do that I’m sure that more than likely there is an excellent English dubbed version on the dvd.. If not,

Tough, watch it anyway cause it’s knock em dead brilliant!

Ok so the basis of this movie is three different stories about the three people in the title yet once you see the movie as a whole the three lives intersect in some pretty interesting and unexpected ways.

It’s not hard to follow really, and if you go the subtitles route they are large and easy to see and give you plenty of time to read them as long as you are actually paying attention.

This movie and all 3 stories like most Chinese and Japanese based stories are moral lessons.
They don’t push you, they give you a very cool and entertaining movie that let’s you take from it what you will.

The movie is a bit silly at times and there is a bit of blood and action involved but it is not gore filled poppy cock its brilliant fun for everyone, over 13 anyways.

Ok you guys, check out the movie and let me know what you think..

I am a movie geek so as I watch them I shall share them.. Woohoo!

Love you guys always
Doctor Out

Calling all Twilight Fans, Breaking Dawn part 2 is here..

Hey all
This is for all you Twilight Saga freaks and geeks, the time has finally come..
Can you smell all the blood?

Can you see all the sparkles?

Are your knees getting weak?

The new movie is of course getting closer and so I figured you guys might like a taste so here is the trailer!

See you all, I love you guys..

Pretend freak out fan dance insert here..

Doctor Out